a cross-displinary exploration of co-design potential

Hosted by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) on May 10, 2022. This webinar is a follow-up to the research project “Co-Design Now!” supported by the Landscape Architecture Canadian Foundation.


As landscape architects, we do not merely create physical objects or spaces; our work reflects the political and social zeitgeist of our time within the contexts of culture, local references, and narrative.

It is an unfortunate reality that several barriers to the profession of landscape architecture prevent marginalized or racialized people from bringing their unique perspectives to the design table. 

By changing the way we practice by incorporating community-driven and participatory design principles into our work, we have the incredible opportunity to address social justice issues through landscape architecture and bridge the divide between what our profession has become and the communities we wish to serve.


A research project for participatory landscape architecture. Supported by the Landscape Architecture Canadian Foundation.